Saturday, December 10, 2011

Hibernating with our creator God

Today is extremely cold here! It is about 20 degrees right now and has been in the teens most the time for the last couple days. Winter has most definitely set in here in the Oregon desert valley. I decided to take a short walk to the end of my street to the field by the river and take  few pictures of the landscape. The shimmer of the heavy frost covered by a very light snow dusting is just beautiful.It is like some one took a bunch of silver glitter and covered the landscape. As cold as it is the beauty of the snow and ice gives a calm peaceful feeling, a feeling of rest and contentment. Maybe that is because when it is cold like this we tend to enjoy a nice cup of hot tea or coffee and a warm cuddly blanket. And if you are fortunate enough to have a dear mate to snuggle with all the better:)
  For may people winter time can bring on the blues and make us feel closed in but we can choose to see winter in another light, a time of reflection on Gods goodness and all that He has done in our lives through the year. In this time of winter (dormancy) many animals and plants are sleeping and regenerating their bodies and restoring all they had lost during the year and replenishing for the new year to come. In some ways we can do the same, we may not sleep through the winter like a bear or go dormant like a tulip...but we can take time to (hibernate) with God and reflect on the year, what He has brought us through, what He has blessed us with, what He has taught us, and how He has touched the lives of those we have been praying for. The animals and the plants do not ask if they should hibernate or go dormant for the winter they just do so naturally by design from their creator, how much more should we spend time with our creator to reflect and rest. The new year will bring new journeys for us all, I pray we will all place our hand in His and take the journey together. Happy hibernating!