Sunday, May 19, 2013

The splender of variegation!

Its been a long time since I have written in this blog, in fact i had forgotten about it. But having recieved a couple comments on my adenium post made me think about writing again.
One of the most fascinating things in the world of succulent plants to me is variegated plants! I am head over heals for variegated succulents. So i wanted to share with you a couple that i have.  There is so much character in the designs of variegation and no 2 are ever alike.  Its so fascinating to watch a variegated succulent give offsets also because you never know what the (pups) will look like. Some make have as much or more variegation as the mother plant while others have little to no varigation at all.  A good example of that is my Aloe Brevifolia variegata.....

As you can see there are 2 nice size offsets and wile the green one looks much like the mother plant with very mild variegation...the yellow pup is an exceptional plant with incredible variegation. i found out today that this yellow pup is actually a bit rare.
Another nice variegated plant I have is Haworthia cuspidata variegata. This plant has 3 very small pups that look like they will have nice variegation but time will tell as they grow and become large enough to see exactly what color they have.

Another type of succulent i really admire in the variegated form is Crassula ovata "hummels sunset". (Jade cultivar).
Mine is just starting to get some nice colors on the leaf edge and towards the middle of the leaf. this cultivar of Jade changes with the seasons. It colors up the best in fall and spring were it gets that cool night and warm days.