Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Defying the odds!

Well as I was out walking around my yard today I had to go back and get my camera....All around me is the dead remains of summers plants and the leaves of the huge oak cover the flower beds..BUT, out of the woodwork comes this one plant that is defying the law of nature. It is freezing cold here as you can see by the ice I am holding in my hand from the bucket in my backyard. Yet this PASSIFLORA is still alive and climbing on the fence and one of the dormant lilac trees! To my knowledge I do not have any species of passiflora that should be able to survive in freezing cold 20s weather!
This passie is actually from some seed I tossed out there in summer of 2010 that came up this year in mid summer. And it is apparently VERY hardy, I wish I knew what it is. I am tempted to try to take cuttings but I think they would just die when I brought them into my heated house. I am just marveled at how hardy this one passie is though.


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