Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Seed, pods and plants..gotta love them!

Tonight I am going to start writing in my blog again..I have not written in a long time and I feel its time to start it up again. A lot has been happening in my plant room over the winter but the most wonderful part has been seeing the changes come as the seasons change. As we get near to spring A lot of the haworthias and aloes have come into bloom. The haworthias have been blooming for about 2 months now and the aloes started about 3 weeks ago. I have tried my hand at some cross pollinating of haworthias and aloes...it will be interesting to see if any of it takes and produces seed pods.

This is one of the crosses I did. Haworthia variegata and Aloe pink blush.

Another cross I did just for fun is these 2. H. tortousa and Aloe dorian black.

It has been a lot of fun pollinating differant haworthias and aloes. I did get a good number of seeds from the haworthias...H. lime green gave me 5 pods and a few seeds, the pods were very small. H. venosa ssp tessellata gave me several pods with a good amount of seeds but the all time winner was H,tortousa with 8 pods and lots of seeds.

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